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This is a team blog run for teacher trainees and in-service teachers who teach English as a foreign language to teens and adults. Though started by only one class led by Ms Gladys Baya in Buenos Aires, Argentina, it's open to any trainers and their classes interested in sharing their learning!
Special thanks to Evelin Peña, from Venezuela, for having shared the URL with us!
Do You Have Questions About Teaching High School ELL’s? | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... via kwout
A Virtual Game to Teach Children Languages - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com via kwout
This was published today in the "New York Times"... How long before we see this kind of technology integrated into our classes, I wonder?
Students during early adolescence often struggle academically due to help avoidance and diminished interaction with the classroom teachers. Help avoidance varies for both gender and race. A recent study compared boys and girls of European American and African American race. All groups increased in help avoidance as they transitioned to middle school. European American girls were less likely to avoid help than E. A. boys. Researchers found no difference in help avoidance between genders of African American students.
Ryan, A. et al. (2009) Developmental Psychology. Vol 45(4), 1152-1163.