Monday, 22 March 2010

How do teens perceive their academic self?

We read in Mid-March '10 Edition of Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter:

High School students' academic self-concept is influenced not only by the achievement levels of other students in their class (so called, "frame of reference" effect) but also by the prestige or standings of the school they attend (so called,"reflected glory" effect). In a large study, researchers found that among equally achieving students, those placed in high-achieving learning groups had lower academic self-concepts than their peers. But, the negative effects of being placed in high-achieving learning groups were weaker for high-achieving students. For both groups, academic self-concept was positively influenced by their perceived school standings in the community. Trautwein, U., et al. (2009). Within-school social comparison: How students perceive the standing of their class predicts academic self-concept.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4), 853-866.

Interesting, don't you think?


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Monday, 15 March 2010

A CLIL lesson plan

Just before classes at TTC start once again, why not have a look at...

... Carol Read's Amazing world of animals?

In this six-lesson CLIL project children build up their language skills and learn about different aspects of animal life in order to create a magazine/e-zine.

Have you ever implemented any CLIL lessons yourself? Would you try something similar with teen learners or adults? Or do you think such an approach would only work with young learners?
